A Monthly Membership & like-minded community for the empathic soul ready to stop hiding who you really are, overcome the fears & anxiety that have been keeping you stuck, and finally connect to a true sense of belonging within.

This membership is designed to guide you to simply let yourself BE yourself without worrying what others think and to embody the deep knowing that you can handle whatever arises in your life.

Each month in the membership, you'll learn to break free of constantly second-guessing yourself, know exactly how to deal with ALL of your emotions and make conscious choices in your life that feel authentically aligned for you through transformational Mindset Masterclasses and Breathwork sessions.

Can you relate to any of this?

  •  You often feel like an outsider that nobody truly gets and would love to just embrace who you are instead of always feeling like you need to change or mask who you are in order to fit in

  •  You're fed up of silencing yourself and hiding what you actually think for fear of sounding weird, being wrong or ending up totally misunderstood

  •  You're so tired of taking on everyone else's baggage and constantly having your energy zapped by other people's stuff but find it so hard to say 'no' or express what you actually want and need in case you upset or let someone down

  •  You find it so difficult to deal with how overwhelming and intense your emotions can be and usually end up trying to numb them out, take the edge off or avoid any situations that might activate them (even if you really want to be there)

  •  You are sick of overthinking everything, finding it impossible to make decisions and losing sleep over things you've said or done that you're convinced everyone is still thinking about/judging you for.

This is for you if:

  • You want to stop feeling like you have to conform, be 'good' and agreeable in order to be accepted and liked, instead simply belonging anywhere by being your unapologetic, honest and authentic self

  • You would love to feel so at home and comfortable in who you are, that you can confidently speak up whenever you want to, accept all parts of yourself (even the ones you're not sure others will love) and trust your inner voice regardless of how it might be received

  • You are ready to take charge of your mind and make it a nice place to be, so you can stop putting up with relentless self-doubt, criticism and those negative thoughts that judge and agonise over every social interaction, awkward moment and uncomfortable situation you've had

  • You desire to be in the driver seat of your life, free of the 'should's and expectations of others, making your life work for you and your unique goals regardless of what anyone else thinks or is doing

  • You love learning, and are committed to putting the work in to let yourself finally start living with strong self-worth that you can really feel, embracing your sensitivity as an incredible strength, and having your own back through whatever arises in your life

Your pathway from self-suppressed to self-empowered consists of:

✅ Transforming Your Mindset:

So that your mind goes from feeling like an inner bully to becoming your built-in best friend - imagine a quiet, calm and reassuring mind that actually wants to support you and see you succeed!

You'll learn to let go of the beliefs that are keeping you stuck, worrying less what others think and actually prioritising what matters most to you because you finally see the value of your unique self and have decided to accept and embrace every bit of who you naturally are.

✅ Practising Powerful Breathing Techniques:

So you can say goodbye to overwhelm, constant stress and anxiety and enjoy unshakeable inner security and empowerment that you can tap into at any moment.

Your breathwork practice will support a more regulated nervous system, as well as help you to deal with uncomfortable and intense emotions, release suppressed energy and become more present in your life.

 Begin to Belong from Within:

You'll be learning to set loving boundaries, release people-pleasing and confidently let your voice, opinions and preferences be heard without the fear of letting everyone down or being seen as selfish, rude or inconsiderate.

Step by step you'll find your way home to yourself and embody true Self-Acceptance and Self-Respect

You'll also unapologetically embrace who you really are in the safety of the supportive community space, where even the parts of yourself that you've disowned or deemed awkward or weird are welcomed.

Included in your membership:

TWO powerful guided breath-work session a month, to process emotions, to quieten your mind and to teach you how to live in your body so you can confidently navigate whatever arises in your life with a grounded presence and empowered ease. One of these will include self-hypnosis to support deep & sustained subconscious change.

Transformational Mindset Masterclasses covering a different topic every month, that empower you with the understanding of how your mind works, the practical tools to create new supportive habits and the step-by-step guidance to get unstuck and take charge of your life.

Connect with a like-minded community of growth-oriented individuals, where you have the opportunity to get coached by me, share your experiences in a safe and non-judgemental space, and practise being your most authentic self.

Enjoy hours of powerful personal growth at your own pace, as you dive into the lifetime library of all of the previous Masterclasses and an extensive back catalogue of Breathwork Sessions, meditations and visualisations that you can tap into whenever you like.

When you join, you receive:

✅ 90 minute Monthly Mindset Masterclass valued at €44

✅ 2 x Hour long Transformative Breathwork Session valued at €50

✅ Library of all previous recordings including bonus sessions, visualisations & meditations valued at over €500 and continually growing every month

✅ PLUS a like-minded community to share the journey with where I'm answering your questions, sharing tools, resources and coaching worth €100s in value every month!

But instead of paying more than €700 monthly, you can get access as a member for only €33/month or save even more and get an annual membership by clicking the buttons below:

You'll get access to your exclusive community space plus all previous Masterclass and Breathwork sessions to dive into straightaway!

About Me

I'm Yvonne, a Certified Mindset & Empowerment Coach, Certified in Mindfulness Based CBT, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork and Meditation Teaching, with a fire in my belly to encourage, educate and empower you to live your life to the fullest, true to your most authentic, confident and free self.

In my past, I was completely overwhelmed by life, terrified to be myself and totally disengaged from living. I went through anxiety, depression and an eating disorder, hating myself and my life, thinking there was something inherently wrong with me, that I didn't fit in anywhere and wasn't equipped to live this life.

After hitting rockbottom I went on a journey of self discovery and full recovery where I found my way to real sustained self-love, embodied confidence and self-liberation.

I found my voice, I found home within myself, I found the confidence to live life my way free from limitations in my mind.

Now I am here to share what I've learned from my personal experience, training as a coach and from what I've put to work through my passion for personal development, with anyone else who is ready to reclaim their power, own what makes them who they are and truly dare to live.


What topics are covered each month?

Each month focuses on a different area related to self development and deepening your self-empowerment - so far we've explored topics like beliefs, emotions, self-care, boundaries, meeting our needs and getting to know who you truly are (you get access to the whole back-catalogue of sessions)

What if I can't make the Masterclass or Breathwork Session live?

That's all good, everything is recorded and uploaded to the online platform, so you can catch up in your own time, and you can always ask me any questions that you have when you do.

What if it no longer resonates?

That's no problem, you can opt in and out whenever you like with ease.

Is this for me?

If you're ready to start taking control over your life, stop holding yourself back and start expressing yourself with confidence - you'll be right at home.